Thursday, March 15, 2012

Isn't it cool to have a president who loves basketball so much that he lets everything else go to hell?
Are you ready for this? 
So at a whim he takes Air Force One, at a cost of roughly $180,000 per hour to operate and costs us taxpayers at least $365,000, not including the staff costs and other expenses to take David Cameron to a college basketball game in Ohio.   So, at an expense of who knows how many millions, he takes his little buddy to the game.  What an immature little child he is.
But think of it this way, the more we can keep him away from the White House the better it is for all of us.


  1. Greg Gutfeld said something funny about this,even though this isn't funny but what he said "the White House has become a place for "cool" people to hang out and get together to make fun of ugly people."
