Thursday, January 31, 2013

Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan, While He Stuffs His Own Face

You read it correctly! 
The Army has stopped serving cooked breakfasts to some of the U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan as part of its drawdown, a move that prompted troops to write home asking their families and friends to send care packages with cereal, breakfast bars and other foods.
The Army told the Washington Guardian the current cutbacks began Jan. 1, and affect about 2,700 soldiers deployed in forward operating bases in more remote areas of Afghanistan
We got what we deserve! We got what we voted for! The Democrats won, Obama won and America certainly did lose!

The Emperor Obama and the Moocher stuff their throats with only the best while our troops don’t  get crap for breakfast.  If you are a Vet and you voted for this Clown, then you should be ashamed of yourself.