Thursday, April 25, 2013

Obama on Tattoos, And Who Really Gives A Crap!

President Obama told the world today just how he feels about the “possibility” of his daughters  getting tattoos!
And what a brilliant Idea he has, to discourage them.
During a interview on the “Today Show” witch was supposed to be about his views on the Boston Marathon bombings, the discussion seemed to switch to the subject about what he (Obama) and Michelle would do if the First Daughters  ever decided to get a tattoo.
Seriously? Is this the best that the Media can come up with?  This is a shade above asking the president of the United States of America “What kind of underwear do you wear” in a presidential debate.  When the country is in a $16,808,Trillion Deficit, when there are so many unanswered questions about the Benghazi  attack on our consulate, and about Iran, North Korea, and about how to stop terrorists before they kill some more.  etc, and etc. How about removing Political Correctness, and adding some  common sense!
This only goes to show you the craziness of the Liberal Progressive mind.
I have a suggestion, maybe he should just  write an Executive Order banning his daughters from getting tattoos and that will solve everything, case closed!.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We Have A New Pope!

We Have A New Pope! 
Every day I seem hear someone in Government telling and or my family what eat, where to eat, what to buy, and what not to buy, how to act, what to wear, what to say, where to go, and what to do! And because of this, I am as PISSED OFF as I can possibly get.  These people are driving me crazy!
Contrary to my beliefs, I am being told that I can’t eat too much meat, salt, sugar, drink big soda’s, smoke, use plastic bags, styrofoam coffee cups or styrofoam food containers.
For heaven sakes, what the hell has happened to MY RIGHTS?  Ir this the America that I grew up in?  That I served? That I was once so damn proud of?
We have a First Lady who was NOT elected to anything as far as I know, telling us what to do and what not to do, what to eat and what not to eat  when she and her Hubby don’t give a Rats Ass about America.
We have a Mayor in New York who has more money then he know what to do with acting as if he was elected the United States Surgeon General.
And disapprovingly with everything the people of New York want to do. For Cod Sakes, if he wants to spend his money educating the people about good health then by all means do so.  BUT STOP BANNING US FOR DOING WHAT WE WANT TO DO!