Monday, May 6, 2013

The Thin "Red Line"

Sort of reminds me of the good old George Bush days, when everyone agreed with his administration and the fact that Saddam Hussein DID have Weapons of Mass Destruction. Just about every Democratic Politician in office including Hillary and Bill Clinton, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy wanted to go ahead and Invade Iraq.
Saddam Hussein had been engaged in the development of weapons of Mass Destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the UN who wanted to send in inspectors.
Without question, we needed to disarm Saddam Hussein. He was a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presented a threat not only to his own people but to te rest of the world.
Now, Here We Go Again!  Now Chuck Hagel and the CIA with varying levels of confidence say they have proof of chemical weapons by Syria. Do you believe this, and could it be possible the so called Freedom Fighters released these to draw the U.S. into fighting another Muslim Brotherhood war for them? By the way all those who pose that there never were chemical weapons in Iraq, is it possible they crossed the boarder from Iraq some time during the night before we entered? Hagel is hanging the blame on the Assad regime, but who’s to say with these people. They are even more untrustworthy than our own elected officials. Hagel said he would have to ask Obama what to do. He really looked silly during this press briefing. Now we will find out!!! War Drum Role please. The White House says Syria’s Chemical Weapons Evidence is not “Airtight” and we need more evidence.  As if 70,000 dead bodies is not enough evidence.  So our dear Leader wants to draw a “Red Line” And Obama has said the use of chemical weapons would be a “game-changer” .
So were are we today?
Could you imagine invading a Nation based on suspicions? Hell 70,000 dead bodies isn’t really proof of anything. It could be from an outbreak of Mad Cow disease, or a possible outbreak of West Nile Virus, after all they are near the Nile!
So, lets see now, how many more reports and deaths is good enough for Obama to call it “Evidence”? Another 70,000? The evidence appears to be strong but not necessarily exactly conclusive.

Look, I’m not saying that we should get involved or that we should or shouldn't intervene, but I am saying that if Obama is going to draw any “Red Lines” then he must show that he means what he says or else he is showing the whole world that we are Full of Crap and that we are really weaklings with a big mouth. Words are cheap.

 Why should terrorism change? It has been working so well against America.  Look at the facts, they have killed hundreds, and thousands of Americans and we have killed what, 10 or 12 of them at best.  Look at the Twin Towers attack, the Boston Marathon bombing. The have our leaders and our people are terrified. The terrorists have won.
While we sit around and argue over Gun Control and Planned Parenthood, or Gay Marriage, and banning this and that and banning Soda or Salt,  they are building bombs to kill us. What’s next, banning the pressure cookers. Pressure cookers don't kill people...people kill people, and Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
This Political Correctness is absolutely the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  I’m just waiting for Chuck Schumer to have a Sunday news conference to suggest Background checks  be required for any pressure cooker purchase.

While we sit around and wait for The PIAPS to answers the real questions on the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, we are getting the shit kicked out of us.
And now Our Leader in Cheat is drawing Ted Lines in the Sand over Syria. Is the any end to this madness known as the Obama Administration?
But not to worry, if Syria crosses that “Red Line” Obammy will draw a new line.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Obama on Tattoos, And Who Really Gives A Crap!

President Obama told the world today just how he feels about the “possibility” of his daughters  getting tattoos!
And what a brilliant Idea he has, to discourage them.
During a interview on the “Today Show” witch was supposed to be about his views on the Boston Marathon bombings, the discussion seemed to switch to the subject about what he (Obama) and Michelle would do if the First Daughters  ever decided to get a tattoo.
Seriously? Is this the best that the Media can come up with?  This is a shade above asking the president of the United States of America “What kind of underwear do you wear” in a presidential debate.  When the country is in a $16,808,Trillion Deficit, when there are so many unanswered questions about the Benghazi  attack on our consulate, and about Iran, North Korea, and about how to stop terrorists before they kill some more.  etc, and etc. How about removing Political Correctness, and adding some  common sense!
This only goes to show you the craziness of the Liberal Progressive mind.
I have a suggestion, maybe he should just  write an Executive Order banning his daughters from getting tattoos and that will solve everything, case closed!.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We Have A New Pope!

We Have A New Pope! 
Every day I seem hear someone in Government telling and or my family what eat, where to eat, what to buy, and what not to buy, how to act, what to wear, what to say, where to go, and what to do! And because of this, I am as PISSED OFF as I can possibly get.  These people are driving me crazy!
Contrary to my beliefs, I am being told that I can’t eat too much meat, salt, sugar, drink big soda’s, smoke, use plastic bags, styrofoam coffee cups or styrofoam food containers.
For heaven sakes, what the hell has happened to MY RIGHTS?  Ir this the America that I grew up in?  That I served? That I was once so damn proud of?
We have a First Lady who was NOT elected to anything as far as I know, telling us what to do and what not to do, what to eat and what not to eat  when she and her Hubby don’t give a Rats Ass about America.
We have a Mayor in New York who has more money then he know what to do with acting as if he was elected the United States Surgeon General.
And disapprovingly with everything the people of New York want to do. For Cod Sakes, if he wants to spend his money educating the people about good health then by all means do so.  BUT STOP BANNING US FOR DOING WHAT WE WANT TO DO!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Un-answered Questions About Benghazi

In regard to the UN-answered questions about Benghazi, are we going to just forget about them? Are we going to press the issue until these UN-answered questions ARE answered?  Or are we going to allow the Libs to say, "Time to Move On"? 
There are so many UN-answered question to be answered that it is simply shameful.  Where is the outrage from the families?  Why aren’t they in the public limelight every day demanding answers?  Is there something that I missed? 
Did Obama aided and abetted by Hilary Clinton, and Susan Rice, cover this thing up so masterfully, that it’s simply going to get swept away in the night like so many other UN-answered questions? 
There is so much more to this story that we haven´t heard that I find it shocking that it's not in the headlines of the news every day.
However he's not going to tell us anything that's going to fly, you can bet on that. 
If those four murders happen when there was a Republican in the white house then they keep up the pressure to want to know why, and they would not stop asking the important questions until they were satisfied with the answers. . But when there is a Democrat and especial a black liberal  in the white house it gets put in the “Sweep it Under the Rug Mode".
It’s high time that they put the pressure on these 3 incompetent liars and get some real answers.  But you and I already know it’s never going to happen. So lets just close the door and shut the lights and go home.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Above The Law!

So it looks like our Dear Leader and members of Congress are going to expend time and energy to come to a "compromise" that absolves people of the offense of entering this country illegally. Key word "illegally"!  Make NO mistake about that!
Because as we all know Obama arrogantly disregards laws he doesn’t like.
Hey Obozo, whats taking you so long?  We would have thought that you would have  invoked one of your "executive Orders" by now. After all, the sooner we give them amnesty, the sooner they can sign up for Subsidized housing, Food stamps,  free School lunches, free Hospitalization, free Medicaid, Cell phones, SSI,  and some of the 80 other giveaway programs that the government uses to transfer money from those who earned it to those who didn't earn it. All this while they  send all that money back to Mexico.  This is an absolute outrage.
This is not only a slap in the face to every law-abiding citizen and legal immigrant, but it sends a signal to anyone who wants to live in the United States that our government bends to the will of criminals and those who support them, As well as making an absolute mockery of our  immigration laws.  Ya gotta love Obama, securing a path  to citizenship for illegals, but not too concerned about securing our borders.
Is the Republican Party going to  agree and go along with this sham only because they lost the election? What about the millions who agree with enforcing the laws that are already in place? Don't our votes count?
It would seem that our entire government is concerned with appeasing a vocal minority of voters.
Bottom lime, it's simple
if they want to get in line like everyone else did and come here fair, and square ...that's fine. Otherwise  send then back back to where they came from.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan, While He Stuffs His Own Face

You read it correctly! 
The Army has stopped serving cooked breakfasts to some of the U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan as part of its drawdown, a move that prompted troops to write home asking their families and friends to send care packages with cereal, breakfast bars and other foods.
The Army told the Washington Guardian the current cutbacks began Jan. 1, and affect about 2,700 soldiers deployed in forward operating bases in more remote areas of Afghanistan
We got what we deserve! We got what we voted for! The Democrats won, Obama won and America certainly did lose!

The Emperor Obama and the Moocher stuff their throats with only the best while our troops don’t  get crap for breakfast.  If you are a Vet and you voted for this Clown, then you should be ashamed of yourself.